"What got you to create positive change in your life?"

Meditation. That's my answer. 

When I started meditating I had no idea that something was igniting, shifting, being created! I remember feeling "good" and I now realize that I was actually starting to flow with life, inviting presence and connecting to a higher energy. 

I actually remember my first deep meditation experience. I was in a yoga class and the instructor lead a beautiful guided meditation at the end. I traveled somewhere deep within. I felt an immense sense of presence and gratitude. It was a feeling that I didn't often get, and all I could think of was "I want more of that". 

Along the past 5 years, I received many insights into my life just from meditating. I went on retreats where we meditated for 3 days non-stop (exception to food and sleep), sitting as long as 2.5 hours straight for some meditations. The more I invited those immense moments into my life, the more I realised that everything I needed was actually within me. I just needed to sit me with 'me' more often. 

Since then meditation became my anchor and connection to self. Here is what meditation taught me:

  • When I still my mind, I allow for spirit to shine through the clutter
  • By calming my mind, I am able to invite clarity into our life
  • Just 3 minutes of meditation can bring me into a calm and relaxed state for the rest of the day
  • By connecting everyday to thoughts that are uplifting, I am able to invite more positive energy into my life 
  • When I maintain a daily connection to self, I can manifest and create the life that I want 
  • Meditation allows me to invite resilience and power to move through any block in life 
  • Through meditation I can connect to consciousness, God, universal energy and uplift my spirit daily 
  • Ecstasy, power, love, hope and abundance are all within me and through meditation I can radiate those feelings into my life 

Meditate. Sit with yourself and just BE. You will learn many lessons along the way.

Jana meditating