Somehow when I was young, I knew exactly what I had to do to be happy.

Writing endlessly was my daily release and reading fantasy books kept my imagination growing. I enjoyed playing the guitar, spending summers in the mountains, always surrounded by family and friends who enjoyed laughter and play.

Sounds like a healthy and happy life.

Yet somewhere along the way, I lost the writing, stopped reading as much, spent summers in crowded cities and making friends had become much harder. 

I lost touch of the simple joys. I started seeking bigger material pleasures like a fancy corporate job, and lost a lot of the passion and courage I had growing up. 

I started to compare myself to others, build expectations of who I should be, how I should dress and the things I had to like and even do become successful.

I was looking outside for answers, and for belonging. I didn’t know that all I had to do was tune in to my own truth.

It was not until my late 20s that I learned how to tune in again.

I learned that inside this body, there’s a spirit which knows exactly where it is headed and has wisdom that goes beyond my own imagination.

All I had to do now was learn how to tap into this wisdom - how to tune in.

When we tune in, we listen to our body, mind and spirit.

We feel the sensations, blockages and tension. We feel emotions and are aware of our presence in space and time. We become one with our body, breath and mind. We trust the answers that come from inside and never doubt our own intuition. 

We control the mind, knowing that we are higher than our daily repeated thoughts. We use the mind at our own will, as a tool supporting us on our way.

We connect with our spirit and elevate beyond the physical. We become one with the infinite and expand, everyday, beyond the visible.

So here’s my invitation, trust in yourself. Trust that you already know all you need to know. Trust that by removing the filters and perceptions which “man made systems” have created for us, a pure whole self is within, which has answers to it all.

You have the answers within and just by bringing this awareness into your life, a shift will begin to happen. When you feel unsure, just close the eyes for a few minutes and turn them within...ask for inner guidance and trust.

Tune in to your body, mind and spirit