Three words that can shift your mindset

I am enough


I know I heard this one before, but do you really know what it means?

Have you really experienced what it's like to be enough? be complete? be whole?

I must admit I had used and repeated those three words a lot without really understanding their deep significance...until recently. 

I was passing through a personal struggle, where I kept feeling like I needed to achieve more but not really wanting to do more.

New to mindfulness? start here


If you've heard of mindfulness, but never truly understood how to experience it, here is a short guide to get you started.

In simple words, mindfulness is the act of being present in the moment by paying close attention to yourself and to your environment. It is the act of being aware of the small things around you, connecting to your 5 senses and immersing yourself in the NOW.

Try to remember an amazing sunset or sunrise you once witnessed - maybe while on a summer vacation somewhere extraordinary.

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