Achieving your life goals can be quite simple, if only you take a chance towards change.

We put so much effort in our career and business goals, but don't give attention to the grander things in life. Did you know that you can achieve whatever you put your mind and spirit into?

I mean it, anything! As long as you are ready to make changes and take action. 

I am sharing a few key tips on create life goals and then a few questions you could reflect on to support your journey. 

  • Consider which area in life you would like to focus on

So when it comes to personal goals, there are many areas you could reflect on. Here are some examples: family, relationships, social life, career, creativity, health, physical activity, spirituality and more. 

It is important that you identify 1 to 3 areas you would like to focus on. 

What is one area which you feel is out of balance in your life?

How is affecting your life? How does it make you feel?

  • Be clear on the WHY

Once you have an area of focus and you are aware of how it impacts your life, it is time to reflect on why is working on this area important to you.

Yes, being clear on what the goal is, is important. However, if you are not clear on your deeper intention, then you might lose track and still feel unfulfilled when you achieve your goal. 

So step one, is be clear on WHY you want to achieve something.

For instance when I decided to become a wellness coach, the goal was (and still is), to support people who feel stuck and disconnected to live their true life's purpose. Now whether that was by sharing more yoga, creating more content, opening a shop, coaching or maybe even something else, was a second priority, as compared to me achieving my inner intention of giving support. 

Know your why. 

  • Create SMART Goals 

Once you are clear on your intention, it is important you set SMART goals to guide your journey.

S = Specific...what is it exactly you want to achieve?

M = will you measure success?

A = it achievable? are you overstitching yourself?

R = this goal relevant to your greater purpose?

T= there a timeline you can stick to?

Here is an example of a NOT smart goal:

I want to give more yoga classes. 

Here is an example of a smart goal:

I want to teach 2 yoga classes in a study per week. 

Now under this goal you can add smaller smart action. 

So for example:

Apply to two yoga studios per week for the next month.

Update my website profile with my recent workshops by tomorrow.


  • Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs like "I do not have the money, I do not have the time, I will fail etc...", can stand in the way of you achieving your goals. 

Take your limiting beliefs, write them down on a paper, become aware of them and then ask yourself: "Is this really true"? Next to each limiting belief, write a reframing statement. 


Limiting belief: I do not have enough money

Reframing statement: I have enough money to get me started. I am able to create a financially efficient plan. 

  • Meditate on your goals daily

Living your life's purpose requires your power to imagine the future and live your everyday life in congruence with your aspirations. Embody your goals daily!

You can journal and reflect daily by evaluating what is working, what you need to let go of and what support you need?

A beautiful meditation is actually sitting everyday and visualising your goals, how it would feel like to achieve them and how you want your future to look like. 

Here is a free meditation you can practice with me on manifesting and creating your future: 

Manifestation Meditation 


May you always find time and space to focus on YOUR personal goals.

Trust that you are the creator of your future. 

Manifestation Journal